Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
December 4 - 6, 2019 | Florence, Italy

Special sessions have the main aim of creating a mini-workshop on a specific topic, where researchers working on the same argument can make knowledge, familiarize, exchange ideas, create cooperation.
Special Sessions are being developed by designated chairs.

If you, as an author, have a paper that could be included in one of these sessions, you may submit an abstract selecting your favorite session. If the abstract is not selected for the session, it may be included in another part of the technical program.

To submit abstracts to a special session, please follow the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the special session to which the paper is directed.

List of Special Sessions

Special Session #1: Advanced methodologies for diagnostic and preventive conservation of stone materials in subaerial and underwater environment

     Organized by: Mauro Francesco La Russa, University of Calabria, Italy, Paola Fermo, University of Milan, Italy

Special Session #2: Measuring in the past: ancient instruments between science and technology

     Organized by: Emma Angelini, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, Margherita Bongiovanni, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Special Session #3: Non-Invasive Systems and Techniques for "ON SITE" Monitoring and Diagnosis

     Organized by: Zaccaria Del Prete, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, Emanuele Piuzzi, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Special Session #4: Measurement and Instrumentation for the Preventive Conservation of Metallic Works of Art

     Organized by: Sabrina Grassini, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, Panayota Vassiliou, University of Athens, Greece

Special Session #5: Measuring Ancient Mortars and Concretes to Discover the Past

     Organized by: Marco Lezzerini, University of Pisa, Italy, Andrea Aquino, University of Pisa, Italy

Special Session #6: Electromagnetic methods in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage applications

     Organized by: Rita Deiana, University of Padova, Italy, Giovanni Leucci, National Research Council, Raffaele Martorana, University of Palermo, Italy

Special Session #7: Conservation and protection of natural and artificial stones used in historical buildings

     Organized by: Marco Lezzerini, University of Pisa, Italy, Rosaria D'Amato, ENEA, Italy, Andrea Aquino, University of Pisa, Italy

Special Session #8: IoT based Systems for the Structural Health Monitoring and the Analysis of Cultural Heritage Building and Archaeological Sites.

     Organized by: Francesco Lamonaca, University of Sannio, Italy, Carmelo Scuro, University of Calabria, Italy, Domenico Luca Carnì, University of Calabria, Italy, Renato Sante Olivito, University of Calabria, Italy


     Organized by: Marco Giorgio Bevilacqua, University of Pisa, Italy, Assunta Pelliccio, University of Cassino, Italy

Special Session #10: Metrology for taphonomy: quantifying the alterations of skeletal remains in archaeology

     Organized by: Francesco Boschin, University of Siena, Italy, Jacopo Crezzini, University of Siena, Italy, Simona Arrighi, University of Bologna, Italy

Special Session #11: Neutron Methods for Cultural Heritage

     Organized by: Rosina Celeste Ponterio, IPCF CNR, Italy, Giulia Festa, Centro Fermi, Italy

Special Session #12: Pigments and palettes through the Ages: science of painting techniques

     Organized by: Domenico Majolino, University of Messina, Italy, Vincenza Crupi, University of Messina, Italy, Valentina Venuti, University of Messina, Italy

Special Session #13: Geoarchaeological Methods for coastal site and landscape reconstructions

     Organized by: Pietro P.C. Aucelli, Università Parthenope di Napoli, Italy, Carmen Maria Rosskopf, Università del Molise, Italy, Gaia Mattei, Università Parthenope di Napoli, Italy, Michele Stefanile, University of Naples "L'Orientale", Italy

Special Session #14: Data Acquisition and Processing by Integrated Geomatic Techniques, Experiences and Open Issues

     Organized by: Gabriele Bitelli, University of Bologna, Italy, Maria Grazia D'Urso, University of Bergamo, Italy

Special Session #15: Logic and Computing. the UNDERLYING Basis of Digital Archaeology

     Organized by: Paola Moscati, CNR, Italy, Alessandra Caravale, CNR, Italy

Special Session Proposal

Are you interested in organizing a special session?

Please, contact the Technical Program Chairs, using the form at this page.

Proposals should include the session title, a brief description of the scope and motivation, related topics, biographic and contact information of the organizers.

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