Unveiling Ancient Mediterranean Societies: Metrology at the Intersection of Culture, Environment, and Heritage


Di Cicco Maria Rosa Di Cicco

Maria Rosa Di Cicco

University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy


The session "Unveiling Ancient Mediterranean Societies: Metrology at the Intersection of Culture, Environment, and Heritage" aims to explore the complex interaction between past societies and their natural environment, as well as the application of advanced metrological methodologies in the realm of biomolecular and isotopic techniques. This session provides a platform for contributions that delve into the biological and cultural dynamics of ancient Mediterranean populations, emphasizing the intricate relationships between culture, environment, society, and heritage.

The primary objective of the session is to welcome original contributions that explore the application of biomolecular and isotopic techniques to better understand the interactions between past societies and their surrounding environment. Through the analysis of biological remains and archaeological materials, scholars can glean valuable insights into the diet, mobility, health, and cultural practices of ancient Mediterranean populations.

In addition, contributions related to environmental monitoring techniques within the context of ancient and modern cultural heritage sites are also encouraged. Such contributions serve as tools for preserving the state of conservation and reconstructing any alterations that may have occurred over time.

Particular attention will be paid to case studies related to the geographical area of the Mediterranean, considered a pivotal region for understanding the biological and cultural dynamics of ancient societies. Selected interventions will illustrate how metrological techniques have contributed to revealing new perspectives on daily life, social interactions, cultural practices, and environmental conditions of Mediterranean civilizations throughout history.

We invite scholars and researchers to present contributions that offer significant insights into the complex relationships between human societies, the natural environment, and cultural heritage within the context of the ancient Mediterranean. The session aims to promote the sharing of interdisciplinary knowledge and foster a deeper understanding of Mediterranean cultural heritage through the application of metrology.

Join us in exploring the rich tapestry of ancient Mediterranean societies, uncovering how metrology can shed light on the relationship between human culture, environment, heritage, and the preservation of cultural legacy over time.


Maria Rosa Di Cicco, trained in Environmental Science and Technology, Maria Rosa is a Researcher at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" in the disciplinary field of Applied Physics. Her initial research, leading to a Ph.D. in Environment Design and Innovation, focused on an Energy Optimization project for Wastewater Treatment Plants, utilizing smart systems for monitoring energy-environmental parameters and innovative systems for the recovery of materials and energy from wastewater through extremophile microalgae. Subsequently, her research interests shifted towards microclimate monitoring in the context of Cultural Heritage and the application of isotopic methodologies (EA-IRMS) in the archaeometric, environmental, and pharmaceutical sectors.


Univ Malta

